Thursday, July 28, 2016

Wall of fame Northern Pike

Mark Wojsznis of Niles, IL with his 37" wall of fame Northern Pike and his 13" Crappie. Not bad for a morning of fishing!

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nice Walleye

Austin Bennett of Franksville, WI with a nice 29" Walleye

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Big Walleye

The Birthday boy Mark "Kazzy"  Ksiazkiewicz of Oglesby, IL with his hog of a Walleye that went 30 1/4". "Released"

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Friday, June 17, 2016

Evening sunset

A beautiful sunset photo taken this evening at the resort by Alexis Ingebretsen.

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Make tracks to Aspen Resort...

One of the finest family resorts in

northern Minnesota!

Sent from my LG V10, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Wall of Fame Day!

Here are 8 wall of fame fish that were caught by Aspen Resort guests on 6/8/16. What a great time everyone had fishing! I repeat- 8 wall of fame fish in one day!

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Make tracks to Aspen Resort...

One of the finest family resorts in

northern Minnesota!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Slab Crappie

Andrew Steenhoek of Adel, IA with a beautiful catch and release Crappie to start off memorial weekend.

Happy Fishing,

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Good Morning!

Happy Sunday morning from Aspen Resort & Campground.

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Rental boats

A picture perfect day to get our rental fleet into the lake. Why drag your boat all the way to the lake? We will gladly rent you one of ours for your stay at Aspen.😉

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Make tracks to Aspen Resort...

One of the finest family resorts in

northern Minnesota!

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Crappies are starting to bite

With the warmer weather we have had the last week, the lake temps are ideal for the start of the Crappie bite. Here is a pair of 13 3/4" and a 14" Crappie from today. Photos complements of Kazzy and Fran.  It's what's for dinner!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Fishing opener 2016

Another Minnesota fishing opener is in the books. Last week we had temps almost to 90° but as it's been for many fishing openers the weather is less then desirable. Will be back up near 70° by later this week. We still have openings in May if you want to get a pole wet! Call 218-757-0098 to make a reservation.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Minnesota Fishing Opener in 12 Days

What a beautiful day on Pelican Lake. It was great weather this weekend to get projects crossed off the list! Fishing opener 12 days away!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Main Dock installed today

High temp of 40°, lake water much colder but a perfect day to get the main dock installed. Making progress!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pelican Lake is now ice free 4/21/16

Pelican Lake is now ice free as of noon today. Now the work begins with dock repairs and installation. Minnesota fishing opener is 23 days away! Book your fishing opener trip today, call 888-802-7736.

Almost ice free!

Pelican should be ice free by this evening. This is the last of the ice up on the north end of the lake.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4/20/16 ice conditions

4/20/16. With overcast skies and little to no wind the ice melting seems to be taking its time. Still shooting for this weekend to be ice free.

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Make tracks to Aspen Resort...

One of the finest family resorts in

northern Minnesota!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4/19/16 ice conditions

Noon on Tuesday ice conditions. Won't be long now!

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Make tracks to Aspen Resort...

One of the finest family resorts in

northern Minnesota

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ice conditions

4/18/16 temps cooled off into the upper 30's overnight and most of the day today. With warmer temps for later in the week still predicting the ice will be gone by the weekend. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Won't be long now!

4/17/16. 73° outside today, shouldn't be too long until we have soft water👍

Ray Ingebretsen

Aspen Resort & Campground

Pelican Lake / Orr, Minnesota


Saturday, April 16, 2016

4.16.16 Ice conditions

With temps in the 70's today it really helped blacken up the ice on Pelican Lake. There is open water in Orr bay by the river. Should have open water by next weekend! Started pulling boats out of the pole building since the weather was so nice. Pictured is our new 22' pontoon with 115hp Mercury 4 stroke.